It’s Fall Already!

The last few weeks (and months, if I’m honest) have just whipped by. I enjoy returning to the structure of the school year, but then I remember how busy our weeks get when they are filled with extra curricular activities, school events, birthday parties, and family time.

So here I am on the edge of November, realizing I have not posted in weeks. Better late than never??

Here in the Northeast, we are fully into Fall. The leaves are beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. There is a crispness in the air. Halloween costumes are almost ready, and plans are underway for my son’s 10th birthday in November. My mother just asked for the kids’ wish lists for Christmas. This is the time of year where I need to remind myself to enjoy the beauty, coziness, and child-like joy before it is all lost in the realities of daily life.

Are you ready for fall? Perhaps you need a fall book to get you in the mood. Check out one of our previous posts on our favorite fall books:

We just took our favorite fall book out of the library this week – Dinosaurs’ Halloween by Liza Donnelly. It cracks us up every time, and I am totally bummed that it is out of print. Looks like Amazon has a Kindle version – I may need to download it before we completely wear out our library copy.

Best wishes for your own lovely fall day soon! I am currently working on revising the beginning of one of my middle grade novels in preparation for a workshop in a few weeks. Wish me luck!